

October 2015

September 2015

MonaLisa Touch

Aging is inevitable. For women, it can be unforgiving: wrinkles, gray hair, weight gain, sagging breasts, bone loss, and vaginal dryness. Regular exercise, dietary modification with calcium and vitamin D supplementation can help some of these conditions. Some of us will dye our hair and/or have cosmetic surgery. Until recently, our only option to really “treat” vaginal dryness was topical estrogen – either as a cream, tablet or ring. But not all of us can or want to use estrogen. Fortunately, there is now something available that will treat vaginal dryness (known as vaginal atrophy in medical terms) and the other symptoms often associated with it such as vaginal burning, vaginal discharge, painful sex, urinary incontinence, and painful urination. It’s called the MonaLisa Touch.

May 2015

March 2015

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