If you’re looking to schedule an annual exam or any other appointment after hours, utilizing online request forms like the one provided by Women’s Specialists of New Mexico can indeed save you time. Online forms allow you to input your information and preferences at your convenience, without needing to wait for business hours to make a phone call.

To take advantage of these services:

1. Visit our website at wsnm.org
2. Locate the “Online Request Request” link in the green header at the top of the page.
3. Fill out the required information, including your personal details and preferences
regarding the appointment.
4. Submit the form.

By doing this, you’re effectively initiating the appointment scheduling process. Typically, the scheduling department will reach out to you on the next business day to confirm your appointment details and finalize scheduling. This way, you can save time and efficiently manage your healthcare appointments.

Remember to provide accurate contact information so the scheduling department can easily reach you to confirm the appointment. Additionally, be clear about any specific preferences you may have regarding the healthcare provider you wish to see, if applicable.